Comparatives and Superlatives
From Scottish Gaelic Grammar Wiki
(Redirected from Superlative)
The comparative form of regulars:
- attenuate
- suffix an e
- blàth --> nas blàithe
- fuar --> nas fuaire
- grianach --> nas grianaiche
- dubh --> na duibhe
- sean --> nas sine
- òg --> nas òige
- mòr big --> na's motha (na) bigger (than)
- math good' --> na's fearr "better than, also na'b fhearr was better than
- beag --> nas lugha
- breagha --> nas breagha
- dona --> nas miosa (worse)
Like/as = mar
See also
External Links
- Fisher, Muriel (2004) Scottish Gaelic: level 1. Seattle, Each-mara publications.