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litir bho Arizona
litir bho Arizona
Litir bho Arizona
letter from Arizona
Letter from Arizona
le Muriel Fisher
with Muriel Fisher
By Muriel Fisher
Tha suidheachadh a’ dol air adhart aig a’ chrìoch eadar Mexico
be situation prog go.vn on forward at the border between Mexico
agus Arizona an dràsda a tha fàs nas cunnartaich leis a h-uile
and Arizona the now wh-C be.pres grow.vn comp dangerous.comp with the each
latha a tha a’ dol seachad.
day wh-C be.pres prog go.vn forward
There is a situation going on at the border between Mexico and Arizona right now that is growing more dangerous every day that is going by.
Gach oidhche tha ceudan de dhaoine a’ sruthadh tarsainn air a’ chrìoch
Each night be hundreds of people prog stream.vn across on the border
eadar an dà rìoghachd a’ feuchainn ri faighinn a-steach dhan an tir
between the two countries prog try.vn with get.vn inside to the land
mhòr bheartach [ann seo] a’ lorg obair.
big rich here prog search.vn work
Every night there are hundreds of people streaming across the border between the two countries trying to get into this large rich land here looking for work.
Bha latha nach fhaiceadh tu a’ leithid agus cha robh sinn
be.past day that.neg see.cond 2s the equal and neg be.past.dep 1p
a’ cluinntinn moran mu deidhinn ach gu math ainneamh.
prog listen.vn much around about but adv good rare
There was a day that you wouldn’t see the like and we weren’t hearing much about it but very seldom
An uair sin thoisich an riaghaltas againn (US) a cuir suas feansaichean
the hour dist begin.past the country at.1p U.S. tran put.vn up fences
mor iarrainn anns na bailtean agus a-mach air gach taobh dhiubh
big iron.gen in the towns.dat and outside on each side of.3p
tarsainn an staid.
across the state
Then our country (the U.S) began to put up big iron fences in the towns and outside on each side of them across the state.
Thug sin air na "illegal aliens” a dhol nas fhaide mach dha ‘n fhàsach
bring.past that on the illegal aliens tran go.vn more long out to the desert
airson faighinn a-steach.
because get.vn inside
This made the illegal aliens go farther out into the desert in order to get in.
'S ann mar sin a bhitheas iad a’ dol air chall agus a’ bàsachadh
cop in.3sm like that wh-C be.rel 3p prog go.vn on lost and prog die.vn
anns an teas mhòr, gun uisge, agus bithidh sibh a’ cluinntinn
in the heat big without water and be.fut 2p prog hear.vn
mun dheidhinn anns na pàipearan naidheachd.
Around.3p about in the papers news
That is how they are getting lost and dying in the great heat, without water, and you hear about them in the newspapers.
Ach a’ suidheachadh a tha mi a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn an-diugh,
but the situation wh-C be 1s prog speak.vn around about today
's e nuair a bhitheas cuid dhiubh a’ dol tarsainn air na rainseachan mhòr
cop 3sm when wh-C be.rel part to.2p prog go.vn across on the ranches big
a tha againn an-seo [ann an] Arizona.
wh-C be at.1p here in Arizona
But the situation that I am speaking about today is when some of them are going across the big ranches that we have in Arizona.
Note: Relative future; but with present tense meaning
Tha na taighean glè fhada bho cheile, agus glè fhada bho na bailtean
be the houses very long from other and very long from the towns
agus mar sin glè fhada bho ‘n 'Border Patrol' – poileas a’ chrìoch.
and therefore very long from the Border Patrol police the border.gen
The houses are very far from each other, and very far from the towns and thus very far from the ‘Border Patrol’ – the border police.
Air oidhche sam-bith faodaidh dhà no tri cheud tighinn
on night any may.fut two or three hundred come.vn
seachad thairis air aon 'rains'.
passed over on one ranch
On any night two or three hundred may come over on one ranch.
Fàgaidh na daoine sin às an-dèidh bochdainn, tiormachd
leave.fut the people dist from after poverty drought
agus a chuid as motha dha 'n teaghlaichean aca.
and the part most big from the families at.3p
Those people leave from poverty, drought, and, most of their families.
Tha e fior nach eil mòran aca ri chall, tha iad acrach
bem3sm true neg be.dep many at.3p with loss be 3p hungry
agus tha iad eu-dòchasach.
and be 3p unhopeful
It is true that they don’t have much due to loose, they are hungry and they are hopeless (lost hope).
Tha barrachd is barrachd ann dhuibh a h-uile mìos.
Be.pres more and more in.3sm to.3p the every month
There are more and more of them every month.
Tha eaconomaidh Mexico a' fàs nas isil agus
be.pres economy Mexico.gen prog grow.vn more low and
chan eil uisge gu leor aca am bliadhna.
neg be.dep water to plenty at.3p the year
The economy of Mexico is growing lower/worse and they don’t have enough water this year.
Bithidh iad a’ fàgail air an cùlaibh air an fhearainn salachar,
be.fut 3p prog leave.vn on 3p.poss behind on the land trash
botail, pocan plastic, 'nappies' agus mar sin air adhart.
bottles bags plastic diapers and like that on forward
They leave behind them on the ground rubbish, bottles, plastic bags, diapers and so forth.
Chan eil urram aca airson gu bheil iad coiseachd air lot cuideigin eile.
neg be.dep respect at.3p for that be.dep 3p country walking.vn on land somebody else
They don’t have respect because they are walking someone else’s land.
Cò ghlanas suas as an dèidh a h-uile latha?
who clean.rel up from 3pl.poss after the every day
Who cleans up after them every day?
Chan urrain dha na rainsearan an sprùilleach fhàgail airson
cop.neg ability to the ranchers the refuse leave.vn for
gun do chaill feadhainn dhuibh crodh mar tha nuair a dh'ith iad plastic.
that past lose group to.3pl cattle already when wh-C ate 3p plastic
The ranchers can’t leave the refuse because some of them lost cattle already, when they ate plastic.
Chuir aon rainsear tap air bonn tanca mòr uisge a bha aige airson
put.past one rancher spiggot on bottom tank.gen big water.gen wh-C be.past at.3sm for
an sprèidh, gus am faodadh na daoine deoch fhaighinn, ach dh'fhag
the livestock.gen so.that fut go.cond the people drink obtain.vn but leave.past
iad e fosgailte agus chaill e a h-uile boinne.
3p 3sm open and lose.past 3sm the all drop
One rancher put a spiggot on the bottom of a big water tank that he had for the livestock, so that the people would be able to get a drink, but they left it open and he lost drop.
Anns an fhàsach tha an t-uisge mar oir
in the desert be.presthe water like gold
In the desert water is like gold.
Bho chionn mìos bha Roger Barnett a-muigh leis fhein a’ càradh feansa
from occasion month be.past Roger Barnett outside with.3sm self prog mend.vn fence
nuair a chunnaic e mu deich air fhichead daoine a’ tighinn seachad
when wh-C see.past 3sm around ten on twenty people prog come.vn through
an fhàsach thuige.
the desert towards.3sm
A month ago Roger Barnett was outside alone mending a fence when he saw about thirty people coming through the desert towards him.
Dh'fhòn e gu a bhràthair air a 'mhobile' aige agus thug
call.past 3sm to 3sm.poss brother on 3sm.poss cellphone prog.3sm and take.past
an dithis aca ‘n am prìosanaich an sluagh.
the two.people at.3p in 3p.poss prisoners the group
He called his brother on his cellphone and the two of them took the group prisoner.
Cha do tharuinng iad na gunnaichean orra, ach bha gunnaichean aca.
neg past draw 3p the guns on.3p but be.past guns at.3p
They didn’t draw the guns on them, but they had guns.
Dh'fhuirich iad an-sin gus an tàinig am 'Border Patrol'
stay.past 3p there until wh-C come.past the Border Patrol
agus thug iadsan air falbh na truaghainn air ais gu Mexico,
and take.past 3p.emph perf leave.vn the unfortunates on back to Mexico
mar a tha iad cleachdte a bhith dèanamh.
like wh-C be.pres3p accustomed tran be.vn do.vn
They stayed there until the Border Patrol came, and they took away the unfortunates back to Mexico, like they are accustomed to doing.
Mar às trice nuair a dh'fhonas na rainsearan airson cuideachadh,
like most often when wh-C call.rel the ranchers for help.gen
's docha gum bi e ceithir uairean a’ thìde, no latha no dhà
cop probable that be.dep 3sm four hours the time.gen or day or two
mus tig am poileas.
until come.fut the police
Most often when the ranchers call for help, maybe it will be four hours’ time, or a day or two until the police come.
Chan eil ann ach tìde ghoirid gus an tarruinng cuideigin gunna
neg be.dep in.3sm but time short until wh-C draw.fut someone gun
agus losgaidh iad e.
and fire.fut 3p 3sm
It won’t be but a short time until someone draws a gun and they shoot it.
Note: future as present
Chur na rainsearan tagradh gu Riaghladair na staid, Jane Hull ag iarraidh
put.past the ranchers plea to Governor the state.gen Jane Hull prog ask.vn
an t-airm a thoirt a-mach gus rian a chumail, ach dhiùlt i
the army tran bring.vn out for order tran detain.vn but refuse.past 3sf
sin a dheanamh.
that tran do.vn
The ranchers sent a petition to the governor of the state, Jane Hull, asking her to bring out the army in order to keep order, but she refused to do it.
Cha stad na 'illegal aliens' (sin an t-ainm a tha orra ... 's e 'legal alien'
neg stop.fut the illegal aliens that the name wh-C be.preson.3p
cop 3sm
legal alien
a tha annam fhein ... bha mi smaoineachadh riamh gu feumadh tu tighinn
wh-C be.presin.1s self be.past 1s think.vn ever to need.vn 2s come.vn
bhon a’ ghealach airson a bhith ‘na d' alien ... ach !!!), cha stad iad
from the moon for tran be.vn in 2s.poss alien ach neg stop.fut 3p
a' tighinn a-staigh do ’n Staitean Aonaichte airson gu bheil obair air an
prog come.vn into to the States United for wh-C be.dep 3p work on 3p.poss
son an-seo.
cause here
The ‘illegal aliens’ will not stop (that is their name…it’s a ‘legal alien’ that I am myself…I was always thinking that you needed to come from the moon to be an ‘alien’…ach!!!,) they will not stop coming into the United States because there is work for them here.
Chan oibrich na h-Ameiricanaich airson am pàigheadh iosal,
neg work.fut the Americans for the wages low
mar sin cò bhuanadh am buntata agus an leatas etc.?
like that who pick.cond the potatoes and the lettuce etc
The Americans won’t work for low pay, and so who would harvest the potatoes and the lettuce?
Cò nigheadh na soitheachan anns na tighean biodh?
who wash.cond the dishes in the houses food.gen
Who would wash the dishes in the restaurants?
Cò dheanadh am fuaigheil?
who do.cond the sewing
Who would do the sewing?
Dè ur beachd?
what 2p.poss opinion
What [is] your opinion?
Am bheil sibh a’ fearachdainn duilich airson na truaighean a tha teicheadh
inter be.dep 2p prog feel.vn sorry for the pitifuls.gen wh-C be.presflee.vn
bho bochdainn, bho thiormachd, bho riaghaltas cunnartach (Guatemala, El
from poverty from drought from countries dangerous Guatemala, El
Salvador) a’ coimhead airson obair agus beatha ùr?
Salvador prog looking for work and life new
Are you feeling sorry for the poor ones who are fleeing from poverty, from drought, from dangerous countries (Guatemala, El Salvador) looking for work and a new life?
No am bheil sinn a’ fearachdainn duilich airson na rainsearan a tha
or inter be.dep 1p prog feel.vn sorry for the ranchers wh-C be.pres
teasairgainn nan teaghlaichean agus na taighean aca fhein, air
defend.vn the families and the houses at.3p self on
an fhearainn aca fhein, an-aghaidh coigrich acrach a tha sruthadh
the land at.3p self against strangers hungry wh-C be stream.vn
seachad orra latha agus oidhche?
past on.3p day and night
Or are we feeling sorry for the ranchers who are defending their own families and houses, on their own lands, against hungry strangers who are streaming past them day and night?

Revision as of 15:13, 7 May 2014

litir bho Arizona

Litir bho Arizona letter from Arizona Letter from Arizona le Muriel Fisher with Muriel Fisher By Muriel Fisher 1. Tha suidheachadh a’ dol air adhart aig a’ chrìoch eadar Mexico be situation prog go.vn on forward at the border between Mexico agus Arizona an dràsda a tha fàs nas cunnartaich leis a h-uile and Arizona the now wh-C be.pres grow.vn comp dangerous.comp with the each latha a tha a’ dol seachad. day wh-C be.pres prog go.vn forward There is a situation going on at the border between Mexico and Arizona right now that is growing more dangerous every day that is going by. 2. Gach oidhche tha ceudan de dhaoine a’ sruthadh tarsainn air a’ chrìoch Each night be hundreds of people prog stream.vn across on the border eadar an dà rìoghachd a’ feuchainn ri faighinn a-steach dhan an tir between the two countries prog try.vn with get.vn inside to the land mhòr bheartach [ann seo] a’ lorg obair. big rich here prog search.vn work Every night there are hundreds of people streaming across the border between the two countries trying to get into this large rich land here looking for work. 3. Bha latha nach fhaiceadh tu a’ leithid agus cha robh sinn be.past day that.neg see.cond 2s the equal and neg be.past.dep 1p a’ cluinntinn moran mu deidhinn ach gu math ainneamh. prog listen.vn much around about but adv good rare There was a day that you wouldn’t see the like and we weren’t hearing much about it but very seldom 4. An uair sin thoisich an riaghaltas againn (US) a cuir suas feansaichean the hour dist begin.past the country at.1p U.S. tran put.vn up fences mor iarrainn anns na bailtean agus a-mach air gach taobh dhiubh big iron.gen in the towns.dat and outside on each side of.3p tarsainn an staid. across the state Then our country (the U.S) began to put up big iron fences in the towns and outside on each side of them across the state. 5. Thug sin air na "illegal aliens” a dhol nas fhaide mach dha ‘n fhàsach bring.past that on the illegal aliens tran go.vn more long out to the desert airson faighinn a-steach. because get.vn inside This made the illegal aliens go farther out into the desert in order to get in. 6. 'S ann mar sin a bhitheas iad a’ dol air chall agus a’ bàsachadh cop in.3sm like that wh-C be.rel 3p prog go.vn on lost and prog die.vn anns an teas mhòr, gun uisge, agus bithidh sibh a’ cluinntinn in the heat big without water and be.fut 2p prog hear.vn mun dheidhinn anns na pàipearan naidheachd. Around.3p about in the papers news That is how they are getting lost and dying in the great heat, without water, and you hear about them in the newspapers. 7. Ach a’ suidheachadh a tha mi a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn an-diugh, but the situation wh-C be 1s prog speak.vn around about today 's e nuair a bhitheas cuid dhiubh a’ dol tarsainn air na rainseachan mhòr cop 3sm when wh-C be.rel part to.2p prog go.vn across on the ranches big a tha againn an-seo [ann an] Arizona. wh-C be at.1p here in Arizona But the situation that I am speaking about today is when some of them are going across the big ranches that we have in Arizona. Note: Relative future; but with present tense meaning 8. Tha na taighean glè fhada bho cheile, agus glè fhada bho na bailtean be the houses very long from other and very long from the towns agus mar sin glè fhada bho ‘n 'Border Patrol' – poileas a’ chrìoch. and therefore very long from the Border Patrol police the border.gen The houses are very far from each other, and very far from the towns and thus very far from the ‘Border Patrol’ – the border police. 9. Air oidhche sam-bith faodaidh dhà no tri cheud tighinn on night any may.fut two or three hundred come.vn seachad thairis air aon 'rains'. passed over on one ranch On any night two or three hundred may come over on one ranch. 10. Fàgaidh na daoine sin às an-dèidh bochdainn, tiormachd leave.fut the people dist from after poverty drought agus a chuid as motha dha 'n teaghlaichean aca. and the part most big from the families at.3p Those people leave from poverty, drought, and, most of their families. 11. Tha e fior nach eil mòran aca ri chall, tha iad acrach bem3sm true neg be.dep many at.3p with loss be 3p hungry agus tha iad eu-dòchasach. and be 3p unhopeful It is true that they don’t have much due to loose, they are hungry and they are hopeless (lost hope). 12. Tha barrachd is barrachd ann dhuibh a h-uile mìos. Be.pres more and more in.3sm to.3p the every month There are more and more of them every month. 13. Tha eaconomaidh Mexico a' fàs nas isil agus be.pres economy Mexico.gen prog grow.vn more low and chan eil uisge gu leor aca am bliadhna. neg be.dep water to plenty at.3p the year The economy of Mexico is growing lower/worse and they don’t have enough water this year. 14. Bithidh iad a’ fàgail air an cùlaibh air an fhearainn salachar, be.fut 3p prog leave.vn on 3p.poss behind on the land trash botail, pocan plastic, 'nappies' agus mar sin air adhart. bottles bags plastic diapers and like that on forward They leave behind them on the ground rubbish, bottles, plastic bags, diapers and so forth. 15. Chan eil urram aca airson gu bheil iad coiseachd air lot cuideigin eile. neg be.dep respect at.3p for that be.dep 3p country walking.vn on land somebody else They don’t have respect because they are walking someone else’s land. 16. Cò ghlanas suas as an dèidh a h-uile latha? who clean.rel up from 3pl.poss after the every day Who cleans up after them every day? 17. Chan urrain dha na rainsearan an sprùilleach fhàgail airson cop.neg ability to the ranchers the refuse leave.vn for gun do chaill feadhainn dhuibh crodh mar tha nuair a dh'ith iad plastic. that past lose group to.3pl cattle already when wh-C ate 3p plastic The ranchers can’t leave the refuse because some of them lost cattle already, when they ate plastic. 18. Chuir aon rainsear tap air bonn tanca mòr uisge a bha aige airson put.past one rancher spiggot on bottom tank.gen big water.gen wh-C be.past at.3sm for an sprèidh, gus am faodadh na daoine deoch fhaighinn, ach dh'fhag the livestock.gen so.that fut go.cond the people drink obtain.vn but leave.past iad e fosgailte agus chaill e a h-uile boinne. 3p 3sm open and lose.past 3sm the all drop One rancher put a spiggot on the bottom of a big water tank that he had for the livestock, so that the people would be able to get a drink, but they left it open and he lost drop. 19. Anns an fhàsach tha an t-uisge mar oir in the desert be.presthe water like gold In the desert water is like gold. 20. Bho chionn mìos bha Roger Barnett a-muigh leis fhein a’ càradh feansa from occasion month be.past Roger Barnett outside with.3sm self prog mend.vn fence nuair a chunnaic e mu deich air fhichead daoine a’ tighinn seachad when wh-C see.past 3sm around ten on twenty people prog come.vn through an fhàsach thuige. the desert towards.3sm A month ago Roger Barnett was outside alone mending a fence when he saw about thirty people coming through the desert towards him. 21. Dh'fhòn e gu a bhràthair air a 'mhobile' aige agus thug call.past 3sm to 3sm.poss brother on 3sm.poss cellphone prog.3sm and take.past an dithis aca ‘n am prìosanaich an sluagh. the two.people at.3p in 3p.poss prisoners the group He called his brother on his cellphone and the two of them took the group prisoner. 22. Cha do tharuinng iad na gunnaichean orra, ach bha gunnaichean aca. neg past draw 3p the guns on.3p but be.past guns at.3p They didn’t draw the guns on them, but they had guns. 23. Dh'fhuirich iad an-sin gus an tàinig am 'Border Patrol' stay.past 3p there until wh-C come.past the Border Patrol agus thug iadsan air falbh na truaghainn air ais gu Mexico, and take.past 3p.emph perf leave.vn the unfortunates on back to Mexico mar a tha iad cleachdte a bhith dèanamh. like wh-C be.pres3p accustomed tran be.vn do.vn They stayed there until the Border Patrol came, and they took away the unfortunates back to Mexico, like they are accustomed to doing. 24. Mar às trice nuair a dh'fhonas na rainsearan airson cuideachadh, like most often when wh-C call.rel the ranchers for help.gen 's docha gum bi e ceithir uairean a’ thìde, no latha no dhà cop probable that be.dep 3sm four hours the time.gen or day or two mus tig am poileas. until come.fut the police Most often when the ranchers call for help, maybe it will be four hours’ time, or a day or two until the police come. 25. Chan eil ann ach tìde ghoirid gus an tarruinng cuideigin gunna neg be.dep in.3sm but time short until wh-C draw.fut someone gun agus losgaidh iad e. and fire.fut 3p 3sm It won’t be but a short time until someone draws a gun and they shoot it. Note: future as present 26. Chur na rainsearan tagradh gu Riaghladair na staid, Jane Hull ag iarraidh put.past the ranchers plea to Governor the state.gen Jane Hull prog ask.vn an t-airm a thoirt a-mach gus rian a chumail, ach dhiùlt i the army tran bring.vn out for order tran detain.vn but refuse.past 3sf sin a dheanamh. that tran do.vn The ranchers sent a petition to the governor of the state, Jane Hull, asking her to bring out the army in order to keep order, but she refused to do it. 27. Cha stad na 'illegal aliens' (sin an t-ainm a tha orra ... 's e 'legal alien' neg stop.fut the illegal aliens that the name wh-C be.preson.3p cop 3sm legal alien a tha annam fhein ... bha mi smaoineachadh riamh gu feumadh tu tighinn wh-C be.presin.1s self be.past 1s think.vn ever to need.vn 2s come.vn bhon a’ ghealach airson a bhith ‘na d' alien ... ach !!!), cha stad iad from the moon for tran be.vn in 2s.poss alien ach neg stop.fut 3p a' tighinn a-staigh do ’n Staitean Aonaichte airson gu bheil obair air an prog come.vn into to the States United for wh-C be.dep 3p work on 3p.poss son an-seo. cause here The ‘illegal aliens’ will not stop (that is their name…it’s a ‘legal alien’ that I am myself…I was always thinking that you needed to come from the moon to be an ‘alien’…ach!!!,) they will not stop coming into the United States because there is work for them here. 28. Chan oibrich na h-Ameiricanaich airson am pàigheadh iosal, neg work.fut the Americans for the wages low mar sin cò bhuanadh am buntata agus an leatas etc.? like that who pick.cond the potatoes and the lettuce etc The Americans won’t work for low pay, and so who would harvest the potatoes and the lettuce? 29. Cò nigheadh na soitheachan anns na tighean biodh? who wash.cond the dishes in the houses food.gen Who would wash the dishes in the restaurants? 30. Cò dheanadh am fuaigheil? who do.cond the sewing Who would do the sewing? 31. Dè ur beachd? what 2p.poss opinion What [is] your opinion? 32. Am bheil sibh a’ fearachdainn duilich airson na truaighean a tha teicheadh inter be.dep 2p prog feel.vn sorry for the pitifuls.gen wh-C be.presflee.vn bho bochdainn, bho thiormachd, bho riaghaltas cunnartach (Guatemala, El from poverty from drought from countries dangerous Guatemala, El Salvador) a’ coimhead airson obair agus beatha ùr? Salvador prog looking for work and life new Are you feeling sorry for the poor ones who are fleeing from poverty, from drought, from dangerous countries (Guatemala, El Salvador) looking for work and a new life? 33. No am bheil sinn a’ fearachdainn duilich airson na rainsearan a tha or inter be.dep 1p prog feel.vn sorry for the ranchers wh-C be.pres teasairgainn nan teaghlaichean agus na taighean aca fhein, air defend.vn the families and the houses at.3p self on an fhearainn aca fhein, an-aghaidh coigrich acrach a tha sruthadh the land at.3p self against strangers hungry wh-C be stream.vn seachad orra latha agus oidhche? past on.3p day and night Or are we feeling sorry for the ranchers who are defending their own families and houses, on their own lands, against hungry strangers who are streaming past them day and night?