Muriel's Days of the Week

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Ditransitive Verbs

When the verb is ditransitive, then the order is VSO followed by a prepositional phrase (PP) indicating the indirect object (i.e. the equivalent to John put the book on the table). In Gaelic, there are no double object constructions (like the English John gave Mary the book) instead prepositional constructions must be used (John gave the book to Mary)

Thug Iain leabhar do Anna
give.past John book to Anna
Verb Subject Object Preposition Indirect Object
'John gave a book to Anna.'

MacAulay 1992

bheir Brighde an t-airgead do Chailean
give.INDEF1 Bridget the money to Colin
Verb Subject Object Preposition Indirect Object
'Bridget will give the money to Colin.'

Dùthaich: country Native land:

Ged is ann as na h-eileanan againn fhìn a tha mi, 's although cop indeed from the islands.dat at.1s self that be.pres I cop Although I am actually from the islands,

ann ann an Ameireaga ann an Arizona anns an fhàsach a tha indeed in America.dat in Arizona.dat in the desert.dat that be.pres I have actually been living in America in Arizona in the desert

mi air a bhith fuireach airson iomadach bliadhna a-nis. I on to being living for many years.gen now for many years now.

‘S àbhaist dhomh cop habit to.1s It is my custom

tilleadh dhachaidh cho tric 's urrainn dhomh. returning to.home so often cop ability to.1s to return home as often as I can.

Air an t-slighe nuas bho on the way.dat down from On the way down from

Ghlaschu, nuair a thòisicheas na beinn ag èiridh (nuair a gheibh mi Glasgow when that begin.rel the mountains at rising when that get.fut I Glasgow when the mountains begin to rise, (when I get

a' chiad sealladh dheth na beinn ) agus na h-uillt a sruthadh air gach the first sight of the mountains.dat and the streams to flow on each the first sight of the mountains,) and the streams [begin] to flow on each

taobh dhen rathad, bithidh mi a' faireachdainn mo chridhe a lìonadh agus side.dat of.the road.dat be.fut I at feeling my heart to fill and side of the raod, I feel my heart fill and

beòthachadh a' tighinn annam. a.reanimating at coming in.1s a re-awakening coming over me.

Tha mi a' faireachdainn cho fìor be.pres I at feeling so very I am feeling so very

fhortanach a bhith air mo thogail ann an àite cho spioradail, cho fortunate to being on my ascending.dat in place.dat so spiritual, so fortunate to be on my way up to such a spiritual place, so

àluinn, cho glan. lovely so pure/clean lovely, so pure/clean.

An cuan a bhitheas a' toirt dhuinn a leithid agus a' the sea that be.rel at giving to.1p so.much and at The sea that gives so much to us and

 toirt     bhuainn  a leithid   cuideachd. 

taking from.1p so.much also takes so much from us also.

Nuair a shuidheas mi air creig ri When that sit.rel I on rock.dat with When I sit on a rock with the

taobh na mara tha mi a' faireachdainn mar nach do dh' fhàg mi the.side.dat the sea.gen be.pres I at feeling like leave.past.neg I sea on one side I feel like I didn’t ever leave.

riamh. ever

Tha bun-stèidh a’ dhìth oirnn uile. be.pres root-foundation the layer on.1p all Our roots are a part of us all.

Cha dhìochuimhnich thu forget.past.neg you.s You don’t [lit: didn’t] forget

  far   an   deach     do     neartachadh agus   do    bhrosnachadh.

where go.past.inter your.s strengthening and your.s encouragement where your strength and encouragement come from [lit: went].

Bithidh an be.fut the My husband

duine agam ag ràdh rium "Nuair a thèid thu dh' Alba carson a man at.1s at saying with.1s when that go.fut you.s to Scotland why that says [repeatedly] to me, “When you go to Scotland why do you

bhitheas tu ag ràdh gu bheil thu a' dol dhachaidh?

  be.rel    you.s  at  saying that   are  you.s at  going   to.home       

say that you are going home?

Bha dùil agam be.past belief at.1s I believed that

gun robh do dhachaidh còmhla rium fhìn." that be.past your.s home along with.1s self your home was along with me [emphasis].

Tha, ceart gu leòr, mo be.pres right to enough my My home is, of course, at his [emphasis]

dhachaidh ri thaobh fhèin ge bri càit' am bi e ach home with his.side.dat self wherever be.fut.inter him but side wherever he, is but

  bhos       an seo 

on.this.side here over here is the home

's e an dachaidh far a bheil mi nas fhaisge air an spiorad, far an tig is he the home where be.inter I most near on the spirit.dat where come.fut where I am closest to my spirit, where prayer comes

ùrnaidh thugam agus far am bheil mi a' faireachdainn nas fhaisge air a' prayer to.1s and where that am I at feeling most near on the to me and where I feel most near to the




    Càite       bheil      an  dachaidh   agaibh fhèin -    Dè         an t-àite   

where.inter be.inter the home at.2p self what.inter the place Where is your own home – what is the place

a bhitheas sibhse smaoineachadh mu dhèidhinn nuair a chluinneas that be.rel you.p thinking about when that hear.rel that you think of when you hear

sibh am facal "dachaidh"? you.p the word home the word “home”?

2. Iongnadh mu dhèidhinn creideamhan eile: wonder about beliefs.dat other A sense of wonder regarding other religious beliefs:

Aon Earrach o chionn bhliadhnaichean bha mi a' fuireach ann an one Spring from occasion.dat years.gen be.past I at staying in.a One spring three years ago I was staying in

Arizona mu thuath a-measg na h-Innseanaich Hopi Arizona.dat about north.dat amongst the Indians Hopi Northern Arizona among the Hopi Indians.

(nan Innseanach Hopi).

 the    Indians.gen   Hopi

(the Hopi Indians).

 Thachair   gun   tug  iad   cuireadh dhomh a dhol gu  tè       dheth 

happen.past that gave they invitation to.1s to go to one.dat of It happened that they invited me to go to one of

na h-àiteachan adhraidh aca. the places of.worship.dat at.3p their places of worship.

Bha sinn air mullach beinn mhòr coltach ri Healabhal be.past we on summit.dat mountain.gen big similar with Healabhal.dat We were on the summit of a big mountain, similar to Healabhal

anns an in the on the

Eilean Sgitheanach no Dùn-caan ann a Ratharsair ris a chanas Island.dat Skye or Dun-caan.dat in Rathersay with that say.rel Island of Skye or Dun-cann in Rathersay, which they call

iad Mesa. they mesa a mesa.

  Bha  còig eaglaisean anns  a'  bhaile     bheag seo  agus   bha    sgioba 

be.past five churches in the town.dat small here and be.past crew There were five places of worship in this small town and there was a full complement

dhannsairean aig gach eaglais, oir bidh iadsan a' dannsa anns an

dancers.gen      at  each  church.dat   for  be.fut they.emph at dancing    in    the

of dancers at each place of worship, for they dance (habitually) in

adhradh aca. (mar phàirt den adhradh aca) worship at.3p like part of.the worship at.3p their [rite of] worship. (as a part of their [rite of] worship)

Tha na h-eaglaisean sin fon an talamh agus 's e 'Kiva' be.pres the churches there below the earth.dat and cop he kiva The places of worship there are below the ground and they are called ‘kivas.’

an t-ainm a th' ac' orra. the name that be.pres at.3p on.3p (lit. “the name that is on them is ‘kiva.’”)

Bithidh tu a' dol sìos a dh'adhradh agus a’ suidhe timcheall na

be.fut   you.s at  going down  the     field.dat      and   at  sitting    around    the

You go down the field and sit around the

ballaichean. Thig na "Kachina Dancers" nuas air àradh agus

  walls.gen   come.gen the   Kachina   Dancers    down on  ladder.dat    and 

walls. The Kachina Dancers come down on a ladder and

     nì      iad   an  dannsa agus an ùrnaidh ‘n a    d'    aghaidh.  

Make.fut they the dance and the prayer in your.s face They do the dance and the prayer in front of you.

'N uair sin fàgaidh iad agus thig sgioba eile nuas agus mar sin the hour that leave.fut they and come.fut crew other down and like that Then they leave and another group comes down, and so on like that [it continues].

air adhart. on advance.dat

 Bha    mi  na  mo sheasamh air mullach  a    Mhesa    seo,  a'   gheallach 

be.past I in my sitting on top.dat the mesa.gen here the moon I was sitting on top of this mesa, the big yellow moon

mhòr bhuidhe ag èiridh agus bha na h-Innseanaich a' ruith eadar na

 big    yellow    at  rising  and     be.past  the     Indians         at running  between the

was rising and the Indians were running between the

Kivas. kivas kivas.

Chluinneadh tu an gliongadh aig na 'costumes' aca, agus bha iad

  hear.cond    you.s  the    ringing     at   the  costumes   at.3p  and    be.past  they

You would hear the ringing of their costumes and they were

a' coimhead cho fiadhaich, bha mi a' faireachdainn cho fada bhon taigh. at looking so fierce be.past I at feeling so long from house looking so fierce, I was feeling so far from home.

Smaoinich mi air na h-eaglaisean againn fhìn agus an rud a bhuail think.past I on the churches at.1p self and the thing that strike.past I thought about our churches and the thing that I struck

mi 's e gu robh iadsan anns an dòigh aca fhèin air rathad

I   cop he  that be.past   they.emph     in     the  method   at.3p  self    on  road

is this, that they in their own way were on the spiritual road

spioradail agus nach robh iad idir cho fìor eadar-dhealaichte

  spiritual   and    that  they  at.all  so   very          separated

and that they were not so very different at all

bhuainn fhìn. from.1p self from us.

Tha sinn uile a' coimhead airson sìth agus airson spiorad a tha

be    us    all   at   looking      for    peace.gen   and     for      spirit.gen that    be   

We are all looking for peace and for a spirit that is

nas motha na tha sinn fhìn.

  greater       than   be   us   self

greater than we ourselves.

Nach bitheadh e math nam bitheamaid a' smaoineachadh barrachd mu

 be.cond.neg     he  good    if     be.cond.1p   at     thinking              more      about

Wouldn’t it be good if we would be thinking more about

dhèidhinn na rudan a tha ‘g ar ceangal ri chèile an àite

  around     the  things.gen  that   be  at our   bonds    with  other.dat  the  place.dat

the things that are our ties to each other in place of

 a    bhith  a' coimhead air  na      rudan   a   tha ‘g  ar       cumail    bho 

that being at looking on the things.dat that be at our withholding from looking at the things that are keeping us from each




3. Gaol:

"Chan eil a' mhìorbhaill ach an gaol dhuinn"

   be.neg  the     miracle      but  the love.dat      to.1p

"To us there is no miracle but in love"

"Reic Anama"

 sale   spirit.gen

“The sale of spirit” or “Sell a spirit”

Chunnaic mi na faclan sin sgrìobhte an latha roimhe - faclan Shomhairle

 see.past    I  the  words   there   written    the  day   before     words   Sorley.gen

I saw the words written there the other day – Sorley MacLean’s words.

MhicGilleathain. MacLean.gen

Thòisich   mi fhìn a' smaoineachadh   mu    dhèidhinn gaol.  

begin.past I self at thinking about around love I myself began thinking about love.

'S   iomadh seòrsa    gaoil     a   th' anns  an t-saoghal  againn.  

cop many types love.gen that be in the world.dat at.1p We have many types of love that are in the world.

Tha an gaol a tha sinn a' faireachdainn airson ar màthair agus

 be  the love that  be    we   at   feeling              for    our   mother.gen  and 

There is the love that we feel for our mother and

ar    h-athair,    far    am   bi     sinn a' faireachdainn sàbhailte – fhad's  a    tha

our father.gen where that be.fut we at feeling safe while that be our father, where we are feeling safe – while we are

sinn beag co-dhiù!

we   small  anyway

little, anyway.

Tha an gaol eadar piuthar agus bràthair, gaol nach robh agam

 be  the  love  between   sister     and   brother     love  that  be.past.neg    at.1s

There is the love between a sister and brother, love that I never had,

fhìn a-riamh, as aonais peathraichean agus bràithrean mar a tha mi. self ever out.of one.dat sisters.gen and brothers.gen as that be I as I am the only one out of sisters and brothers [i.e., I am the only child in my family].

Tha gaol airson do leannan, airson do bhean, airson an duine

 be  love     for   your.s b/gfriend.gen    for    your.s wife.gen    for     the

There is [the kind of] love [that is] for your boy/girlfriend, for you wife, for your husband.

agad. at.2s

Tha an gaol airson pàisde beag, na peataichean againn, 's iomadh duine

be   the  love    for    baby.gen  small   the       pets             at.1p    cop    many    man  

There is the love [you have] for a small baby, [for] our pets—many people

 a   bhios  a' fuireach ‘n   an   aonar agus  's   e   na  peataichean  a 

that be.rel at living in their alone and cop he the pets that that live alone and it’s their pets that

bhios ‘g an cumail slàn, gaol airson dùthaich, airson eaglais, be.rel at their keeping healthy love for country.gen for church.gen keep them healthy—love for [one’s] country, for church,

airson Crìosda agus mar sin air adhart.

 for      Christ.gen    and   like   that  on  forward

for Christ, and so on.

Shaoileadh tu gun robh gu leòr air a sgrìobhadh agus air a ràdh think.cond you.s that be.past to plenty on its writing and on its saying You would think that there was plenty written and said

 mu  dhèidhinn an  gaol  mar thà.  

about around the love like  ? about love like that.

Ach gabh mionaid agus faighnich dhiot fhèin ma tha an cothrom againn

but   take    minute   and        ask       of.2s   self    if     be  the   ability     at.1p

But take a minute and ask yourself, if we have the ability

airson leithid a ghaol anns an t-saoghal seo, carson a tha leithid

  for     so.much   to   love     in    the      world   here    why    that  be     like

for so much to love in this world, why do we have something like

a thrioblad againn? to trouble at.1p trouble?

Tha teaghlaich a' sabaid measg a’ chèile, tha nàbaidhean a' sabaid be families at fighting among the other.gen be neighbors at fighting Families are fighting amongst each other, neighbors are fighting

  ri     chèile,  tha eaglaisean a'  sabaid    ri    chèile,      tha dùthaichean 

with other.dat be churches at fighting with other.dat be countries with each other, churches are fighting with each other, countries are

a' sabaid ri chèile. at fighting with other.dat fighting with each other.

     Shaoilinn     fhìn gum     bu     chòir  dhuinn a  bhith smaoineachadh 

imagine.cond.1s self that cop.past decent to.1p to being thinking I myself would imagine that we ought to be thinking

barrachd mu dhèidhinn gaoil agus dè tha e ciallachadh ‘n more.gen about around love.gen and what be he meaning in more about love and what is means in

ar beatha fhìn. our life.dat self the lives of us ourselves.

Nam biodh sinn uile coibhneil agus gasda ris a h-uile neach ris

 if     be.cond   we       all  courteous  and   generous with the   all  person.dat with

If we would all be courteous and generous to all the people that

an  coinnich sinn ‘n  ar   beatha làitheil,  's     dòcha   gun dèanamaid 

that meet.fut we in our life.dat daily cop probable that do.cond.1p we meet with in our daily lives, it’s likely that we would make

atharrachadh beag anns an t-saoghal draghail a tha againn 's an

    change        small    in    the   world.dat  vexatious   that  be    at.1p    in  the

a small change in the vexatious world that is with us

lath' 'n-diugh.

day    today


Carson nach tòisich sinn an-diugh fhèin?

   why    not    begin    we     today       self

Why don’t we ourselves begin today?

4. Na h-Ealain:

    the  learning.gen

on knowledge

Ciamar a tha sibh an-diugh?

   how   that  be  you.p      today

How are you all today?

Dè   seòrsa rudan   a   bhitheas daoine a' dèanamh airson an       toirt 

what sort things that be.rel people at doing for the importance.gen What sort of things will people do for the chance [lit. value]

air falbh bho dhragh air choireigin agus????? on leaving.dat from trouble.dat on offences.dat and of escaping the trouble of small offenses and….

Uill, dh' fhaodadh   tu    tòiseachadh   le     cupa       tì     fhèin!  

well may.cond you.s beginning with cup.dat tea.gen self Well, you yourself could begin with a cup of tea!

Ach bha mise [a’] smaoineachadh mu dhèidhinn na h-ealain agus

but  be.past  I.emph  at       thinking             about     around     the learnings.gen   and

But I myself was thinking about learning, and

mar is urrainn dhaibh ar faireachdainnean atharrachadh.

like cop  capable   to.3p      our           feelings               altering

how it can alter our feelings.

Co         mheud       uair    a      bha     sibh    a' coimhead air dealbh   brèagha 

how largenesses.gen hour that be.past at looking on picture.dat pretty How many hours were (all of) you looking at a pretty picture

agus a' tòiseachadh a faireachdainn beagan na’s socraithe, na’s sìtheil?

 and  at    beginning    to        feeling           little  than      settled    than  peaceful

and beginning to feel a little more settled, more peaceful?

Ceart gu leòr tha dà thaobh dhe’n (air) an sgillinn agus dh'fhaodadh correct to plenty be two side of the on the shilling.dat and may.cond To be sure, there are two sides to every coin (lit. “there are two sides on the shilling”) and

dealbh do dhèanamh mi-chomhurtail no an-fhoiseil. picture your making ill-advised or ignorant the picture may make you misguided or ignorant.

Air mo thaobh fhìn tha gu leòr trioblaid anns an t-saoghal againn, 's fheàrr on my side.dat self be to plenty trouble in the world.dat at.1p cop better As far as I myself am concerned (on my myself’s side) there is plenty of trouble in the our world, I prefer

leam s' a bhith a' lorg am bòidheachd anns na cùisean sin.

to.1s and  at  being  at  looking.for  the  beauty.gen      in    the circumstances.dat  that

and to be looking for the beauty in those circumstances.

Agus dè mu dhèidhinn ceòl?

 and   what.inter   about     around   music.dat

And what about music?

  Ged       a  tha cuid mhòr dheth na  h-òrain    againne     trom  le   bròn,
although that  be   part   big      of     the songs.dat at.1p.emph  heavy with grief

Although a large part of our songs are heavy with grief,

   nach bi           sibh   ag èisdeachd    ri     ceòl       uaireannan agus 

be.fut.neg.inter at listening with music.dat hours and don’t you all listen to music for hours and

      nach bi        sonas     a'     fàs     ‘n  ar   cridhe?   

be.fut.neg.inter happiness at growing in our heart.dat doesn’t happiness grow in our heart?

Tha feadhainn againn nach bi coimhead air dealbhan no be people at.1p be.fut.neg.inter looking on pictures.dat or We have people (who) won’t be looking at pictures or

ag èisdeachd ri ceòl idir ach bidh sinn a' leughadh. at listening with music.dat at.all but we at reading listening to music, but we read (lit. we will be reading.)

'S   iomadh uair    a    thèid  seachad    gun     mhothochadh   nuair 

cop every hour that go.fut onward without act.of.perceiving when Every hour will go by without awareness when

 a   bhitheas    tu    ‘na    ‘d     shuidhe leughadh  leabhar  math.  

that be.fut.rel you.s in your.s sitting reading book.gen good you are sitting reading a good book.

 Bheir   e      d'    inntinn dheth     d'       obair,   dhe   ‘n  teaghlach, 

take.fut he your.s mind from your.s work.dat from the family.dat It will take your mind off your work, off the family,

dheth na 'bills' agus a h-uile càil eile a bhitheas a' ruith from the bills and to each condition.dat other that be.rel.fut at running off the bills and every other condition that is running

timcheall ‘n ar n' inntinn.

 around    in our the  mind.dat

around in our mind.

 Saoil    a     bheil   na  peantairean, na luchd-ciùil, na sgrìobhadairean fhèin 

imagine that be.inter the painters the musicians the writers self Imagine that the painters, the musicians, the writers themselves

a' faighinn an aon togail inntinn 's a bhitheas sinne faighinn at finding the one act-of-building.gen mind and that be.rel.fut we.emph finding are finding the one way of building the mind, and that we will be finding

bho  ‘n     obair     aca?   

from the work.dat at.3p (it) from their work?

    Dè        rud      as    fheàrr leibhse  a  dhèanamh?   

what.inter thing cop.rel better with.2p to doing What is the best thing for you (all) to do?

Carson nach cuir sibh seachad ùine bheag a h-uile latha airson rud beag

  why     neg    put  you.p  forward   while   small  to  each    day     for     thing  small

Why don’t you all set aside for you yourselves a short while each day in order to

spòrsail a dhèanamh dhuibh fhèin.

   fun      to     doing        to.2p      self

do a small, fun thing?

5. Uisge:


A bheil sinn taingeil gu leòr airson na tha againn? be.inter we thankful to plenty for the be at.1p Are we thankful enough for that which we have?

A bheil sinn mothachadh dè tha againn? be.inter we percieving what be at.1p Are we aware of what we have?

An latha roimhe bha mi a' ceannachd botal uisge agus cha b' urrainn the day before be.past I at buying bottle water and neg cop.past capable The day before I was buying a bottle of water and I couldn’t

dhomh cuideachadh (gun) smaoineachadh air m' athair agus dè bheachd

 to.1s        helping       without           thinking    on  my father.dat   and  what attention

help but think about my father and what attention

 a   bhitheadh aige air an t-uisge    fhèin  a   cheannach ann am   bùth    leis    

that be.cond at.3s on thewater.dat self that buy.past in store.dat with.3s he would have towards the water itself that he bought in a store with the

na 'messages'. the messages ‘messages.’

Cha robh uisge againn anns an taigh nuair a bha mi òg.

neg  be.past  water   at.1p       in   the  house.dat when   that be.past   I   young

We had no water in the house when I was young.

 Bha    tobar bheag   ri    taobh an    taighe    ach  an dèidh dhà 

be.past well small with side the house.gen but the after two There was a small well at the side of the house but after two

na trì lathaichean thioramaicheadh e 'n àrd agus bha againn ri the three days.dat dry.cond he the height and be.past at.1p with or three days it would dry up and we had to

coiseachd mu chairteal mìle gu tobair eile,

  walking   about  quarter.dat  mile  to  well.dat  other

walk about a quarter-mile to another well.

(tobar na sgoilearaidh, mar a bha againn air), 's ann ormsa

 well   the   school.gen        as   that be.past    at.1p   on   cop  in    on.1s.emph

(the school’s well, as we had it on,) and it was to me

a         thuit     an  obair  sin.

that befall.past the work there that that work fell.

Cha do dh' òl sinn a-riamh às an allt. neg past drink we ever from the stream We never drank from the stream.

 Bha       fios       aig a h-uile duine   far   an robh na tobraichean   fo    shean.  

be.past knowledge at to each man where be.past the wells good old Everyone knew where the good, old wells were.

Agus cha robh leithid a rud ann mar uisge ann am botal plastic.

 and   neg  be.past   equal to thing   in   like   water      in      bottle.dat  plastic

And there was nothing there the equal to water in a plastic bottle.

 Far      a bheil    mi (a’) fuireach anns an  fhàsach  a’  chuid as motha 

where be.past.inter I at living in the desert.dat the part greater Where I am living in the desert the greater part

dhe ‘n bhliadhna, chan eil boinne uisge anns na h-aibhnichean fhèin, of the year.dat be.neg drop water.gen in the rivers.dat self of the year, there isn’t a drop of water in the rivers themselves,

chan eil annta ach gainmheach.

 be.neg   in.3p  but        sand

there is nothing in them but sand.

Tha an t-uisge a' tighinn bhon an talamh gu domhainn (tha an t-uisge a'

 be  the  water   at  coming  from  the   earth    to      deep         be   the   water   at

The water comes deeply from the earth (the water

tighinn bho dhoimhneachd na talmhainn) agus a h-uile bliadhna tha

coming  from            depth           the   earth.gen       and  to  each      year      be   

comes from the depths of the earth) and each year there is

nas lugha uisge ann agus barrachd dhaoine ‘g a iarraidh.

      less         water  in     and       more     people.gen  at its  needing

less water there and more people needing it.

Air an taobh deas dhe ‘n bhaile againn tha coimhearsnachd bheag far on the side south of the town.dat at.1p be community small where On the south side of our town there is a small community where

a bheil  iad  a'  sabaid   le   gunnaichean airson an aon   thobair   a   tha 

be.inter they at fighting with guns.dat for the one well.gen that be they are fighting with guns for the one well that

aca  eatorra.  

at.3p among they have among them.

    Cò      smaoinicheadh gun   robh   rud   mar ghloinne   uisge     iriosal, 

who.inter think.cond that be.past thing like glass water.gen lowly Who would think that a lowly thing like a glass of water

a’ dol a bhith cho prìseal dhuinn. at going to be so precious to.1p would be going to be so precious to us?

A bheil dad sam bith eile ‘n ar beatha nach eil sinn a’ mothachadh? be.inter anything other in our life.dat we at perceiving Is there anything else in our life that we are not perceiving?

Rud    nach eil  sinn a'     cur   luach air an-diugh, ach mar   a   thèid 

thing we at putting value on today but like that go.fut Something that we are not putting value on today, but likewise that

an  tìde seachad  a    dh' fhàsas  nas luachmhor dhuinn.

the time past that grow.fut.rel more valuable to.1p the time will come in which it grows more valuable to us?

(fàsaidh e nas luachmhòr dhuinn)

grow.fut  he more  valuable       to.1p

(it will grow more valuable to us)

'S  dòcha am beatha fhèin nach    bi    sinn a' mothachadh nuair   a  tha 

cop likely the life self neg be.fut we at perceiving when that be Perhaps we will not be perceiving life itself when we are

sinn òg ach a dh' fhàs glè phrìseil gu dearbh mar as sinne a

 we  young but  that  grow.fut  very  precious  to   certain  like     older    that

young but it will certainly grow very precious the older that

tha sinn a' fàs.

be   we   at  growing

we are growing.